Strawberry Almond and Lime Cupcakes

Strawberry Almond and Lime Cupcakes

It’s a sure-fire sign that autumn has arrived when the supermarket fruit aisles, packed with rows and rows of strawberry punnets casually change their place of origin from Great Britain to Spain. We wave goodbye to home grown strawberries, soaked in summer rain and bathed in short bursts of sunshine for fruits produced thousands of… 

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Pistachio and Carrot Cupcakes (and a video!)

Pistachio and Carrot Cupcakes

What colour is autumn? It’s often depicted in burnt orange, leaves tumbling crisp underfoot onto waiting pavements, bursting brambles growing wild in the woods staining fingers and lips a plummy purple. It’s a flickering red brown flame from a candle lit to ward off the ever longer nights, thick with grey clouds, flecks of silvery… 

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