Did you ever read that book at school? I think I only ever got to it once; at my first primary it was the most sought-after book on the shelf at reading time after The Jolly Postman. Despite only getting my grubby 5 year old mitts on Each Peach, Pear Plum once, its great name and bright pages were enough to stay with me 16 years later. A delicious blend of nursery characters, fruit and rhyme, the book won many awards for author and illustrator husband and wife team, the Alhbergs. Their children’s books, filled with colour and creativity, were so fun it was no wonder everyone was desperate to read them, in our bright blue jumpers and knotted green ties. And what better way to pay homage, than by creating a smoothie in Each Peach Pear Plum’s name?
Now, I may have reworked the title of the book slightly with this smoothie; swapping plums for blueberries, but the end product is still a great burst of fruit and fun. This is a great morning pick-me-up and so simple to make, that I’m surprised I never thought of using my stick blender to make smoothies before. All the prep that’s required is a little chopping and peeling, and then simply blend to make a colourful drink that will make up three of your five a day. That is fruit maths I can get behind. Now, if you will excuse me, I think I’ve spied Tom Thumb…
Serves 1
You Will Need
2 tinned peach halves, sliced (alternatively, use one fresh ripe peach, peeled and sliced)
1 small handful blueberries
1 pear, peeled and sliced
1 sprig of mint, leaves removed
1 teaspoon honey
Add all the ingredients into a jug and using a stick blender, whizz until smooth. Taste, and add a little more honey if required. Pour into a glass or clean jar, top up with ice cubes if desired and add a straw.
Yum! This sounds amazing!