4 Simple Goals (Before 2013)

I don’t know about you, but if I have a sudden idea for a new year’s resolution but the date is January 2nd, I automatically file it in my mind to be added to next year’s list. Crazy right? All those challenges, goals and good things that could be accomplished that year go straight in the bin and let’s be honest, are forgotten about when January comes round again. So I was completely inspired when I read a blog post from Elsie Larson over on A Beautiful Mess about simple goals that can be achieved before the year is out. We aren’t talking major things like writing a novel. They aren’t end-result heavy (no drop a dress size here). Just simple, life enriching goals that will make you happier and a little more driven. How cool does that sound?

Ok, so I am not going to lie, when I first skimmed the post, the first two goals that came to mind were:

  1. Start a street food van
  2. Write a book

Which are both things I want to do in the future, but for now may be slightly difficult now that I am starting full time employment in two weeks. And the fact that these goals are not simple. So I re-read the rules:

1. Choose simple goals that will make your life richer and happier on a daily basis. Choose things you may not otherwise get done, but that are not difficult to accomplish.

2. Do not choose result oriented goals, choose activity oriented goals. For example…. instead of “lose 10 pounds”, choose something like “eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day”. Get what I’m saying? Positive actions instead of just the end result!

3. Choose goals that are personal that you believe will truly make your life richer just by doing them! They can be daily, weekly or one time experiences.

4. Choose a reward for each goal as it is accomplished! It can be a small or large reward- it’s up to you.

So I had a rethink. This is what I came up with.

  1. Make fresh smoothies: I love smoothies; I don’t know why I don’t make them more. They are so delicious and cheap to make and slurping three fruits in the morning rather than grabbing an apple and letting it roll around my handbag all day uneaten will definitely make me feel healthier. I want to try more exotic flavours and fruit combinations and I think this goal will help to enrich the drinks section of this blog as well!
  2. Be inspired to craft and DIY more: I used to craft all the time and it makes me sad that I hardly ever do anymore. I am constantly pinning great DIY’s on Pinterest, but I never get round to making them. Now, I want to create a whole host of projects and see them through to the end of the year.
  3. Brainstorm and blog original ideas: As much as I do create a lot of my blog content from my own imagination, I don’t think I am doing nearly as much as I should. I want to brainstorm colourful mind maps and translate them into recipes, photographs and blog posts. I want my blog to stand out from the crowd and I think this may be the way to go. Coloured pens at the ready!
  4. Try making different types of pastry: I always make my own shortcrust, but I have never tried choux, rough puff or laminated (croissant) dough. I really like the idea of mastering new techniques and hopefully this goal will help me to be more creative with baking if I have a broader pastry repertoire!

So that’s my simple goals to try before 2012 is out. I am now going to print them off and stick them near my computer to remind me when I’m bored and about to waste 4 hours on Facebook to instead try something new and simple. I am also looking forward to compiling a fun treats list! Are you going to give the challenge a go? Let me know!



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