Last week, one of our halls cleaners got a little clear-up-happy and decided to bin a load of nearly finished but still useable lotions and potions from our bathroom. One the casualties was my shower gel, so I duly trudged into town to Superdrug to grab a bottle to replace it. But as soon as I stepped into the eponymous aisle, I saw the one. It was a soft pink, in a pretty little bottle and was raspberry scented. I tentatively opened the bottle and was met with a gorgeous smell of vanilla and raspberry, in a heavenly partnership that had eluded me all my life. I had found the shower gel. It would make my showering days so fragrant and wonderful. I was in love. Then I noticed it was half price. I’ve never ran to a till fast enough.
I don’t think I’ve ever been inspired by a beauty product before, let alone a shower gel, but it got me thinking about milkshakes. Every time one of my friends orders one alongside an Extra Value meal in McD’s, I shudder at the prospect. I attempted Krusha as a child and yet I only wanted to mix the syrup with water to make diluting juice. Generally, I am a milkshake failure. But suddenly, I had a craving for some ice cold raspberries, a big hunk of vanilla ice cream and a pint of milk. And of course, a smidge of vanilla paste to double up the vanilla goodness.
This shake is so simple to make that you will throw out your Nesquik instantly and go au-natural instead. Ok, so it’s not exactly healthy, but it’s the perfect afternoon treat when the sun’s out. Just don’t break my heart and serve it with a burger, kay?
Makes 3 Milkshakes
You Will Need
175g frozen raspberries, plus extra for decorating
6 scoops good-quality vanilla ice cream
1 teaspoon vanilla paste
1 pint milk
Heat up an ice cream scoop in a mug of boiling water, then scoop the ice cream into a blender. Mix the vanilla paste into the milk and stir to evenly distribute the seeds. Place the raspberries and the flavoured milk in a blender and whizz until smooth. Pour into tall glasses and serve with a sprinkling of frozen berries and a straw.
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